Thursday, December 23, 2010

Small Organza Flower Clips Are Now Available...

I have now made smaller silky flower clips that can be worn in the front or the back of your hair and they can also clip on a baby headband...and they are cute as ever.
As you can see they can be worn in your hair...

or on a cute headband for babies.

All the small silky organza flowers are $5.00 and baby headbands are available for $2.50 each.
#1 Brown and Pink Ribbon Flower Clip  (2 available)
Sold...Brown and Pink Ribbon Flower Clip (1 is still available)
#2 Brown Silk and Organza Flower Clip (2 available)
#3 Brown and Organza Flower Clip (1 available...this clip is flatter than the 2 above)
#4 Black Silk and Organza with Red Sparkles  (2 available)
#5 Red Silky Organza with Red Sparkles (1 available)
#6 Silver Silky Organza Flower Clip (2 available)
Sold...Silver Silky Orgaza Flower Clip (more available if requested)


  1. Yowzers are really doing a fabulous job.

    1. She seriousley is! Ur amazing! Luv ya meggs :)

  2. I was so excited for after school today because my mom and I got to make a whole buch of flowers and I am going to do some more right now!! I am soexcited!
